Final Fantasy XIV - Crystal - Mateus

Vihr Seras

Knight Errant of Leá Monde. Golmorran Deserter.


Gender: Male (he/him)
Age: 33
Height: 5'8
Clan: Rava
Birthplace: Fyth Village, Golmore Jungle
Children: Tyrja Fyth (daughter), Unknown (daughter), Unknown (daughter)
Occupation: Adventurer, Sword for Hire


Eye color: Teal
Hair color: White
Ear color: White and Black

A rava with coarse locks of snow-colored hair, Vihr stood ever-so-slightly below the average height for his people. Long white ears with soot-colored tips rested upon the knight's head, remaining as the only identifying feature not obscured by a thin veil of cloth.Callouses built from a lifetime of using a bow remained along his hands, though gone to waste if the absence of a longbow at his back was any indication.A thick Golmorran accent was present on his tongue, varying with his concentration. Copious alcohol could render Vihr's Common near indecipherable.

The Veil

A shroud of thin cloth typically obscured the viera's visage, fastened by a metallic crown below his ears. The emblem of an inverse cross was embroidered on the back panel.


His exposed visage, soft yet stern, carried the expected grace of his kin. Gentle features disrupted by only a vertical scar from his right jaw to brow, the viera's concealed face was otherwise ordinary. Sprawling white eyelashes carried attention to his turquoise gaze below, which restlessly glanced about.In the rare case where the veil is absent, a dingy and tattered ribbon can trustingly be found tied under his hair. Patched up with numerous pieces of fabric from the passing years, the inverse rood's emblem was nestled on either end of the flowing fabric.


Words laced with the harsh accent of Golmore, Vihr's tone remained chilly in spite of warm words. The sprawling vocabulary of his Dalmascan acquaintances did little to help in this regard, as the viera often spoke with dramatic imagery and heart-felt tirades around those he was even remotely comfortable with. It seemed learning Common primarily from ancient texts had its drawbacks.As unlikely as the veil led on, Vihr remained a rather amicable stranger. Discussions of literature and homeland were dangerous roads to travel, often leading to quite the earful.Harsh words were commonplace, no matter what trouble they brought, and he remained extremely snappy when it came to physical interaction. A defensive stubbornness and sass lingered at times, especially on matters of the past.Yet it remained unusual; a previous Warder brimming with words upon the slightest chance of an open ear.


Whimsical Warder

Known as Tyrving in his home village of Fyth, Vihr has known a life of the unorthadox since he was of speaking age. Filling the ears of his village with constant words, Vihr's life of sisterhood was hastily ended by the age of fourteen.Taken underwing by another rava to begin training as a Wood-Warder, the viera knew little about his teacher. But he knew much of his mentor's wanderlust - words that piqued his interest of the greater world beyond. And as a young Vihr conquered the challenges before him, so too did he absorb his teacher's curiosity, amicability, and awe for the world beyond the Wood.After a handful of years passed, Vihr gathered a fledgling rava under his care. And another. And yet another. At each opportunity, the viera was quick to volunteer to accept budding Warders, filling the days with travels, stories, and dutiful preparation. Finding joy in sharing words, they offered a faint reminder of his childhood.And as their time of passage arrived, Vihr watched the first succeed each challenge with ease, then the second, until he was faced with his third student's corpse along the jungle's floor. Believing himself unfit to serve the Wood, Vihr broke the Green Word and fled Golmore Jungle at twenty-seven years of age.Left wandering the battle-scarred cities of Dalmasca Inferior, a call to duty enthralled the viera in the streets of Leá Monde. Finding purpose in the ruins of the Church of Iocus, Vihr lended his bow to those few Knights of the Cross who practiced their customs beneath the region's suppression.Granted home and tutelage under a fallen house of longstanding knights, Vihr studied the surviving tomes of the church within long-forgotten wine cellars, congregating with others of the rebellion on strikes against the Imperials. Although speaking scarcely of his experience in the rebellion's battles, he formally took up the name of Vihr Seras soon-after the liberation.

Fledgling Knight

An archer ever since his mentor planted a bow in his palm, Vihr's inclination for archery impedes heavily on his success with the sword. A cursory reach for a nonexistent quiver, the clear uncertainty in the frontlines, and even his subpar grip on the hilt all exemplified his lack of expertise. While confident enough in the craft to be formally knighted, there remains a wealth of areas to improve.Although quick to admit the change was involuntary, the cause remains well-guarded. Chalking his wounds up to continued ventures between both Leá Monde and Eorzea after the liberation, Vihr continues to travel between the two as if no change occurred.Taking up continuous ventures that align with his strong sense of duty, the viera can be found almost anywhere in the present day.


  • The Rood Inverse: The hallowed inverse cross was present on both the knight's veil and bandana. Those with knowledge of Dalmascan religions could identify the cross as a symbol of the Church of Iocus.

  • Big Ears, Decent Hearing: Although his ears weren't as keen as they once were, Vihr's hearing remained sharp. An avid eaves-dropper, the viera held a nasty tendency to interrupt ongoing conversations of interest. Speaking of a good book, Dalmasca, or an ongoing quest? There's a high chance to be interrupted by the nosey man.

  • From the Wood: It almost seemed that the knight's preferred pastime was interrogating other rava about his home town of Fyth. Desperate for the possibility of news, it's likely for any viera to receive an introduction from him, for better or worse.

  • Mentors and Mentees: One to both lecture and be lectured to, Vihr is quick to take anyone underwing curious in archery or leatherworking. Similarly, his sword technique showed room for improvement, and would definitely benefit from more direct aid.

  • The Ceiling Says Gullible: Taking all words as truths, Vihr has a tendency to fall into the whims of any ill-intentioned soul. Looking for the perfect target of a scam? Aside from an intimidating appearance, the viera remains an ideal victim.

  • And More: See OOC/feel free to contact for more hooks.

Out of Character Information

General Information:
- Walkups: Open if RP flagged in-game.
- Storylines: Send a whisper, open to all.
- Platform preference: Discord & FFXIV, with a lot more availability on Discord.
- Posting frequency / speed: I'm a verrryyy slow poster. I'd like to improve on this, but currently some replies can run me around 20 mins+. If RPing asynchronously over Discord I can only guarantee one post per week, but I often do more.
- Experience: Currently very rusty on XIV lore. Lots (10+ yrs) of general RP experience.
- Requirements: Please be 18+ for all RP. Player is mid-20s.
- RP genres: Pretty much everything except ERP.
- RP limits: No ERP, fade to black instead. Mature RP is fine. No permanent character death.

- Please keep OOC separated from IC - sentiments by the character are not mine.
- Did I make a grammar mistake or typo in this Carrd or a post? Please correct me, I really appreciate it.
- Strictly looking for contacts open to light lore bending. Ivalician lore in FFXIV is weird. This character is based on locations that are only represented in other games, my source of truth is mainly Vagrant Story. Please keep these constraints in mind and know that we likely will enter head-canony territory when discussing Dalmasca in general.

Vihr Seras, Mateus
or find me through the FFXIV Roleplaying Discord